Kham River Restoration Mission

A painted wall at the Kham Riverside Eco Park

The Kham

About the river

I Love Kham Logo

The Kham is a seasonal river of the Marathwada region of Maharashtra, India. In its upstream stretch, it flows through the historic city of Aurangabad for 8.8km. 65km in length, it finally joins the Godavari River at Natshagar in Paithan.

Kham River Restoration Mission

A commitment to our natural heritage

The visionary Kham River Restoration Mission is an expression of our city's commitment to its natural heritage and water resources. The mission brings together multiple urban climate resilience strategies such as the creation of biodiverse public spaces, effective management of solid waste and wastewater, non-motorized mobility, data tracking and management, environmental education and heritage conservation. In recognition of the work done, Aurangabad has been included in the River City Alliance under Namami Gange.

Kham Riverside Ecopark

Developed as part of the restoration mission, work on the eco-park started in January 2021. It was officially inaugurated on 26th January 2022 by the Minister of Environment, Climate Change & Tourism, Government of Maharashtra. The park runs along the river for 1.25 km, covering an expanse of 10.5 acres. It has multiple eco-recreational spaces for an immersive natural experience during your visit to Aurangabad.

Explore the Eco-Park

Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden

A meticulously curated garden with hosting and nesting plant species, perfect for you to spot beautiful and diverse butterflies and dragonflies. Join our guided walks to learn about and from these amazing creatures.

Pocket Parks

Kham Pocket Parks are small public parks in the Kham River Basin area. These neglected spots were previously littered with garbage & debris. This garbage contributed to marine litter by being washed into the riverine systems during monsoon.

The Alamgir Pocket Park

This pocket park has been nurtured by the community around the Aalamgir Colony. This spot used to receive mixed waste dumped from multiple locations around the neighbourhood. This dumpsite was transformed with interventions to manage solid waste in the Kham basin under the River Restoration Mission. The waste was diverted with effort from local Sanitation workers and kept clean under the leadership of local councillor Mr Nasser Siddiqui. The local community continues to manage and take care of the park.

The space with benches, pathways, slides and play-equipments and a plantation of tall trees and shrubs makes it a great spot for community kids to play in and women and men to enjoy leisurely conversations.

Delhi Gate Sunset Park

The Kham River Sunset Park is a unique pocket park that provides stunning views of the city & its rich architectural heritage towards one side, and panoramic views of its natural heritage, towards the other side. The Delhi Gate Pocket Park is flanked by the Himayat Baug Biodiversity Heritage Site along the banks of the Kham River, with the beautiful hills in the backdrop on the West and the historic 17th-century Mughal-Era Delhi Gate, towards the East.

Rashi Van Pocket Park

A unique park themed around the 12 zodiac signs and 12 trees that are associated with the relevant constellations. The Rashi Van is planted using native tree species that are connected to the nakshatra/constellation of each rashi/sun sign. The transformation of what was previously an open waste dumping and sewage flowing spot into a vibrant public park marks a significant achievement in the ongoing Kham River Restoration Mission.


Riverfront Development

Area Cleaned
1,24,261 sq. meters
Area Greened
50,776 sq. meters
Saplings Planted
1,03,851 saplings
Length of Banks Pitched
5,380 meters

Upstream Intervention

Waste Collection Integration
3+ lakhs population
GVP Removal
171 GVPs closed & reduced
Capacity Building
280+ Municipal Staff Trained
Plastic Trapping
6 traps installed in Naalas
Bridge Barricading
24 bridges barricaded to prevent solid waste dumping

Citizen Engagement

Riverfront Citizen Engagement
182 Events held, 22,000+ citizens engaged
Media Coverage
200+ News articles

Municipal Resource Efficiency

Municipal Resources Harnessed
Rs. 2.7 Cr Savings